카테고리 없음

컴퓨터비전 (CV) 학회 어떤 것이 있을까?

여니여니_ 2019. 10. 18. 21:10




The Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) is an annual conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, which is regarded as one of the most important conferences in its field.


국제 컴퓨터 비전 학회(International Conference on Computer Vision)는 격년제로 개최되는 학회로서 컴퓨터과학 분야 최고 수준의 학회중 하나이며 컴퓨터시신경(컴퓨터 비전) 및 인공지능-패턴인식 분야에 있어 CVPR(Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)과 함께 최고권위의 학회이다. 올해(2019) 우리나라 코엑스에서 열린다. (가보고싶은데 정말 비싸다... 


ECCV, the European Conference on Computer Vision, is a biennial research conference with the proceedings published by Springer Science+Business Media. Similar to ICCV in scope and quality, it is held those years which ICCV is not. Like ICCV and CVPR, it is considered an important conference in computer vision,[1] with an 'A' rating from the Australian Ranking of ICT Conferences and an 'A1' rating from the Brazilian ministry of education.